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Rich people who skipped bail tried not to show up again.

Skipping bail is not recommended but it does happen from time to time. While those events may have been dramatized quite a bit on shows like Dog the Bounty Hunter and others, in general there are different reasons why people would not show up in court and timeframes may vary, depending on location. Not all situations are sinister in nature.

While working with bail bondsman may require a bit of paperwork, some people prefer to skip everything else after. Over years there was a number of characters in public life who decided never to return. Or they tried to. These are the bits of their rich and probably yet unfinished stories.

Let’s take a look at Robert Vesco, for example. His situation was described like this:

“He bought I.O.S. in 1970 for less than $5 million, gaining control of an estimated $400 million in funds. The accounting at the company had been so chaotic that Mr. Vesco, by adding a few subterfuges of his own, was able to plunder its holdings at will.”

Or, Tony Mokbel:

“Since Mokbel fled Melbourne in March last year, days before he was to be convicted for cocaine trafficking, police have run a methodical campaign to create cracks in the estimated $180 million syndicate.”

Both of those gentlemen possibly had a number of reasons never to return: Mr. Vesco had about 400 million reasons and Mr. Mokbel just about 180 million reasons.

But, none of them compare in style and execution to Marcus Schrenker. His back story was somewhat common around that time, in 2008:

“Schrenker was under investigation in Indiana after several complaints were lodged by some of his investors, upset with how he was handling their money. Friends, the parents of friends and neighbors were among the investors that filed complaints.”

Prior to his downfall, he was flying high, literally:

“At one time, Marcus Schrenker had everything. He owned three investment consulting firms, lived with his wife and children in the exclusive Indianapolis suburb of Geist, in a $3 million dollar waterfront home that had a dock and a large swimming pool. Flying was a hobby of his and he owned two aircraft which he used to go on lavish vacations.”

Mr. Schrenker, not willing to risk the outcome, unlike his investing strategy, decided to try fake his own death by crashing his airplane after making a distress call. He departed the airplane prior to crash and eventually ended up in Florida where he was eventually arrested which made him a part of of Florida Man Meme that will start years later.

Marcus Schrenker

Maybe not skipping his bail was a better option in all of these cases and talking to bail bondsman could make the difference for those people. It’s really difficult to say if we will see more prominent people trying to do the same thing, but if it happens, media will be there to capture all of it, as well as bail bondsmen.

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