Criminal History Record System: Part 1

Don’t get lost in the system, as they say. Here’s a brief overview of the terms in this important part of Texas law. Let’s take a look at the Criminal History Record System and all of its parts.

Definitions of the Criminal History Record System:

Administration of criminal justice” means the detection, apprehension, detention, pretrial release, post-trial release, prosecution, adjudication, correctional supervision, or rehabilitation of an offender. The term includes criminal identification activities and the collection, storage, and dissemination of criminal history record information. 

Computerized criminal history system” means the database containing arrest, disposition, and other criminal history maintained by the Department of Public Safety. 

Corrections tracking system” means the database maintained by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice on all offenders under the department’s supervision. 

Council” means the Criminal Justice Policy Council. 

Criminal justice agency” means a federal or state agency that is engaged in the administration of criminal justice under a statute or executive order and allocates a substantial part of the agency’s annual budget to the administration of criminal justice. 

Criminal justice information system” means the computerized criminal history system and the corrections tracking system. 

Disposition” means an action that results in the termination, transfer to another jurisdiction, or indeterminate suspension of the prosecution of a criminal charge. 

Electronic means” means the transmission of data between word processors, data processors, or similar automated information equipment over dedicated cables, commercial lines, or other similar methods of transmission. 

Incident number” means the unique number assigned to a specific person during a specific arrest. 

Offender” means any person who is assigned an incident number. 

Offense code” means the numeric code for each offense category. 

Release” means the termination of jurisdiction over an individual by the criminal justice system. 

State identification number” means the unique number assigned by the Department of Public Safety to each person whose name appears in the criminal justice information system. 


 The criminal justice information system shall be maintained to supply the state with a system that provides an accurate criminal history record depository to: 

– law enforcement officers and criminal justice agencies for operational decision making from which accurate criminal justice system modeling can be conducted that improves the quality of data used to conduct impact analyses of proposed legislative changes in the criminal justice system; and the ability of interested parties to analyze the functioning of the criminal justice system. 


The Department of Public Safety shall designate offense codes and has the sole responsibility for designating the state identification number for each person whose name appears in the criminal justice information system and shall implement a system to link the computerized criminal history system and the corrections tracking system. 

As always, the best option is to contact Atlas Bail and go over available info and all the details. With our experience, knowledge, and great customer service, we can have your loved ones back to you as soon as the law will allow us. From the moment you show up in our office we understand your need for guidance and help. The fact that a person is in jail is only the beginning of the process. Selecting AAA Atlas Bail is an important first step. With years of experience in our office, we most definitely will have the right answer for you. 

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